Sunday, September 28, 2008

within arms' length

(recording - still yet-to-named project)

we've been putting in long nights these last few weeks...which for me has been a couple days on, a couple days at greg's (silver bullet) studio in burlington, ct. it is just about 10:00pm and we just got back in from what seems like lunch...much more for guitars and vocals this evening. this project has been so much learning and so much watching ideas come together in the excited about what will come from these last few weeks.

thank you grace for being unmercifully supportive, greg for making this opportunity possible...matt for inspiring moment by moment (hey bud!), mazzoli - good to be with you, josh for dinner, hanging, and saving my car-less tail, andrew for the latter as well, and dave, jon, sal, eric, and daryl for drum equipment. this has been wonderful...

pictures and more soon...

Friday, September 26, 2008


...the clamor calms,
150 kids packed in the round to hack at masterpieces most would outgrow for cheap beer
in just a couple years (that was sad to watch).
and just before the man could raise the stick to cue the ensemble,
you would have heard one or all of us scream it...

(daryl you are probably the only one who could read this with context! ha, love you bud)